Tank Hill Emergency Restoration

British Columbia

After severe storms destroyed road and rail infrastructure near the Village of Lytton, AECOM provided emergency assistance to the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to reinstate the Trans-Canada Highway at the Tank Hill underpass. A team of specialists and senior staff from across western Canada was quickly mobilized to design an interim road and at-grade railroad crossing to replace the unsalvageable grade separation structure. Within two days, the team was on-site with multiple contractors working round-the-clock to support the reconstruction in the coldest weather to hit the region in years. AECOM’s swift and effective response ensured a project that would typically take months was successfully completed in eight weeks, quickly restoring connectivity between local communities. This project highlights one of the crucial roles consulting engineering plays in society, addressing the impacts and increasing occurrence of extreme weather events, providing immediate solutions, and enabling rapid reconstruction in a functional and safe manner. The jury appreciated how the team at AECOM did this exceptionally well in a very short time frame on this project.

For additional information on this project, click here.